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Agentúra pre rozvoj Gemera
Our projects


Game Gemernation is patented didactic tool of informal education, made for students in primary, secundary and high schools as well as for free time centers and for the whole public.

It leads players throughout the Gemer – Malohont region in a playful way and familiarize them with its rich history, cultural and natural heritage.

The Gemernation game is based on popular game Monopoly where players buying out and discovering historical and natural monuments, castles, churches, bastions, natural phenomenon like endemits, national parks, caves or strategic industrial areas. At the same time players learn much from answering question about nationalities, habits and valuable sights from around the region.

And thanks to this game can students get to know their region better in a playful way.

The game is from 2015 certified “Gemer-Malohont product”.

Web page of the project:

Museum of socialist curiosities

Museum of socialist curiosities in Hnúšťa is one of the pilot projects, which will be developed within whole international project ReNewTown with an aim to ennoble, make more attractive and mainly operationalize buildings and public spaces built in socialism era.

Museum of socialist curiosities in Hnušťa was developed under the project ReNewTown. The aim of the project is to objectively capture the recent past, which is still fresh in memories of our older generation, but younger generation knows about this time only little and because of that lot of stories consider as “curiosities”. Target group is young generation, which would through particular phases of the project become more familiar with life of ordinary citizen during socialism and after the establishment of the exposure room would have opportunity to get to know and see particular exhibits on own eyes. Another target group is older generation which was living in that time and through workshops and visits in museum bring the memories about the socialist era back.

Museum is situated in Amphitheatre in Hnúšťa and its open according to advanced agreement from April to October.

Web page of the project:

PlaNET SOEN – ENTERprise your region

Project focuses on non-formal education of youth up to 30 years from self-governance region Revúca and Rimavská Sobota in area of business and social enterprise, completed by unique regional mentoring programme and internships in local and foreign businesses. Young people from self-governance region Revúca and Rimavská Sobota will by expert trainings let in non-formal and self-experience way learn what entrepreneurship is and how to formulate correctly business plan in one line with needs of local market. Then they will improve their business ideas thanks to personal support by unique regional mentoring and transform it to complete business plans. The best of them will have a chance to absolve also professional internship in home region or abroad, during which they will transform already gained knowledge to practice and by work in real enterprise they will gain irreplaceable practical skills and experience. The best business plans will be supported by small financial grants.

Web page of the project:

International projects

Within cross-border cooperation and presentation of the region beyond the borders of Slovakia implement Agency education projects, international youth exchanges, study visits and summer camps, trainings for youth and youth workers, is sending and hosting organization of European volunteering service and partner in strategic partnership connecting youth from our region with young people and organizations from Africa, Latin America and Europe. People form Gemer region have chance to present their region abroad, broaden their horizons, get to know different cultures, gain valuable experience and knowledge, create useful partnerships and broaden their capacities which they often use for further development of their region.

Next Door - The aim of this project is to strengthen civic society and civil organizations form Eastern and Central Europe and South Caucasus region with an aim to strengthen youth and stimulate organizing of international youth initiatives. Project was held in Georgia and participants were youngsters and youth workers from Armenia, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Hungary, Romania and Slovakia.

SigNature – „Nature as a non-formal learning environment“ is international training for youth workers organized in National park Muranska Planina of which main output is methodical guide for rural schools and community centers consisting non-formal education activities in nature with emphasis on herbs of the region and their positive healing effect. In the project have participated together 25 participants from 6 countries (Portugal, Italy, Finland, Romania, Uruguay and Slovakia) who work with youth professional or voluntary basis.

RED2.0 - With an aim to develop international cooperation of Gemer region in 2014 became APRG member of the strategical partnership „RED 2.0 – Recognition, Empowerment & Development“. The main idea of RED2.0 is to support non-formal education of youth, development of volunteering and youth work and cross-border experience and skills exchange in area of non-formal education and youth work. Within this strategic partnership was organized youth workers exchange thanks which had Dr. Monika Štesková chance to work for development organization in Cape Verde and to broaden her knowledge in regional development in developing countries. Within this exchange for APRG has also shortly worked Clara Burjel from Uruguay.

EDS In 2015 gained Agency accreditation for European voluntary service, thanks which can send, host and coordinate volunteers within their voluntary stay in EU or outside EU. Within EVS has sent Agency young person from our region, Alena Kurajdova, for EVS to Uruguay. Thanks to that Alena get a chance to work in regional development agency in Uruguay and by that gain life experience which helped her in personal and also professional growth and provide her with knowledge and skills which she can implement in home region. Because agency does not only send but also host foreign volunteers, our region become to be for 6 months home for Amparo Olivares Ramirez from Chile. She has enriched our region by her enthusiasm and temperament, she brought with her new points of view and exotic culture and helped in community development of our region. Besides creative marketing of our museum she has organized also interesting activities in community centers in Banska Bystrica and Hnusta and she let Spanish language course and Latin American dance workshop.

Youth work

Within youth work is agency active in community organizing (project “My Town”), agency also helps with forming of youth groups in the region (forming of Youth parliament of Hnusta), organizes creative workshops with inclusive and educative aspect (Summer roller blind I. and II.) and various lectures and trainings with non-formal character (e.g. training of community organizing). Museum of socialist curiosities uses agency for community education in form of creative activities and workshops thanks to which can older generations bring memories about past and younger generation will get more familiar with past of generation of their parents and grandparents. (project Stopy). From 2010 is agency regional information point of EURODESK – European information network which task is to provide information and advices to youngsters and all who are professionally involved in youth work. From 2015 is member of Youth council of Banska Bystrica self-governing region.